Castro calls for Shah’s resignation
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State public health department needs new leadership
SPRINGFIELD – The director of Illinois’ public health agency should resign, State Senator Cristina Castro said today, pointing to new information that calls into question his priorities and his ability to lead in a crisis.
Castro (D-Elgin) is urging Illinois Public Health Director Nirav Shah to resign after emails emerged, as reported by WBEZ radio, regarding the Rauner administration’s bungled response to the Legionnaires’ epidemic at the Illinois Veterans Home at Quincy.
Sen. Castro and Rep. Moeller donate to Community Crisis Center of Elgin
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ELGIN – State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) and Representative Anna Moeller (D-Elgin) presented a donation to the Community Crisis Center of Elgin on Feb. 26.
Last December, Castro and Moeller hosted a joint holiday open house and collected $300 in change from guests in attendance. Both legislators wrote matching checks of $350, making the total donation $1,000.
Castro responds: “The governor isn’t budgeting for results,”
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SPRINGFIELD – Today, Governor Rauner addressed the General Assembly to explain his proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019. State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) released the following response:
“The governor isn’t budgeting for results,” said Castro. “What Governor Rauner presents on paper is never the true reality of our situation: that we have over $9 billion in unpaid bills and no real plan for paying it off. He says he wants to roll back taxes, increase education funding and invest in human services, but his budget does the opposite.
Castro: Veterans suffer while Rauner drags his feet
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SPRINGFIELD – Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) this morning reacted to news that two more cases of Legionnaires’ disease were found among residents at the Illinois Veterans Home at Quincy.
“The governor has dragged his feet long enough on this issue,” said Castro. “While he waits for someone else to take charge our veterans suffer. How many people need to die on his watch for him to take charge and do something?”
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